In 2017, a remarkable transformation began in the heart of Purba Srikrishnapur, Sutahata, by the tireless efforts of Lions Club. This initiative aimed to tackle one of the most fundamental challenges faced by the local community - access to clean, safe, RO drinking water, just a few steps from your doorstep, at just Rs. 10 for a 20-liter container. The Water ATM ensures that clean water is within everyone's reach. The Water ATM operates 24/7, ensuring that residents can access clean water whenever they need it, eliminating the struggle to find clean sources of water.
The effects of Lions Club, water ATM initiative in Purba Srikrishnapur, Sutahata, ripple far beyond the immediate provision of clean water. It's about fostering a sense of hope and empowerment within the community.
This Water ATM initiative is not just about water; it's about transforming lives and nurturing hope for a brighter, healthier future. Lions Club continues to inspire and reminds us that change is possible when we work together.